

Quentor are proud to announce its successful attainment of the ISO 14001 certification: the International Standard for environmental management. This accomplishment solidifies our unwavering dedication to sustainable business practices and signifies our commitment to measuring and continually minimising our environmental impact.

ISO 14001, launched in 2015 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is recognised as the premier standard for establishing an effective environmental management system. By achieving this certification, Quentor assures both its staff and external stakeholders that its operations prioritise environmental responsibility, as we look to pass on the environmental creditability to our customers and partners, via our products and services.

Accessible to businesses across all sectors, the ISO 14001 certification requires organisations to address various environmental issues relevant to their operations. These include but are not limited to air pollution, water and sewage concerns, waste management, soil contamination, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and resource use efficiency.

Kerry Stuart-Young, the Operations Director at Quentor, expressed her delight with the company's achievement, stating, “Through the collaborative efforts of our team, I’m happy to announce that the business is officially ISO 14001-certified. With Sustainability as one of our core values, this shows our commitment by providing action over words. This certification is a natural addition to our ISO 9001 accreditation, further adding to our compliance with current regulatory and statutory requirements. For us it has reaffirmed our messaging in ensuring that we remain conscious of the environmental impacts of our operations and continue to improve them over time spanning manufacturing, transport, procurement procedures and more.”

Quentor is dedicated in playing its part for a sustainable future, blending environmental responsibility with strategic business growth.

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