Framelight Storage
Quentor Framelight Storage units are an attractive, practical, and adaptable alternative to regular flightcases. Made with a sleek light-weight aluminium extruded frame and clean aluminium honeycomb side panels, Framelight Storage units have the look of contemporary interior storage furniture whilst maintaining many of the flexible mobility benefits of a flight case.
Framelight Storage units are easily transferred from your freight transport to use inside your event destination, so handling time is greatly reduced. Just remove a soft padded cover and your framelight unit is ready to use.
Turn your Framelight Storage unit into a dual-purpose freight unit and engineering workstation. Add customised features of a working unit such as a worksurface area with integrated power and lighting or pneumatics. Alternatively, you might install your IT rack equipment, specialist analysis equipment or add grey storage bins and drawers.
Take a look at our gallery of pictures below for some examples of our FRAMELIGHT STORAGE.